Digital Classroom: Create an in-class experience 远程


彩虹的教室 helps teachers collaborate in-person, 远程, or in a hybrid environment, 保护他们的隐私, and enables professional development.

在我的上一篇博客中,我讲述了两位老师的经历——唐和艾玛——以及他们在虚拟环境中教学所面临的挑战. In this blog I’m sharing some insights, from my many years in the industry, 关于如何在远程教学时使用技术有效地吸引学生. 让我们以阿尔卡特朗讯企业版的彩虹™Classroom为例.

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Don and Emma’s first concern was how to regain control of their classrooms. 他们需要通过消除或解决任何潜在的干扰来为他们的教学做好准备. 解决这个问题的第一种方法是改善远程学习环境, because I believe that an engaged student is a learning student.

当出现新的功能或程序时,学生倾向于探索功能. 任何一个小学计算机实验室的主管都会告诉你,在最初的几节课中,大多数学生会探索他们所能探索的一切, 尽可能大声地说! 我给艾玛和唐的建议是,要求学区部署集成到学习管理系统平台(LMS)中的会议工具。. 这将有助于消除任何“早熟的学生新奇调查”,因为他们已经熟悉了界面.


• Mute the class on entry – done!



Next on the list of things to consider is attendance. Beyond the normal workload of grading and planning, 远程工作的教师面临着远程学习特有的额外任务, such as manually recording attendance. 通过在现有的LMS中嵌入通信工具,考勤可以自动记录. 事实上, instructors can capture more detailed information including; attempts to join the class, total time the student was present, and how engaged they were in class discussions. 这是有用的数据,可以帮助学生取得成功,并帮助识别那些需要帮助或学术干预的人. Students forgetting to join the class, 或者,当老师开始上课时,通过嵌入式通信平台自动“呼叫”学生,可以消除由不同的开始时间造成的任何混乱.

当一个学区提供面对面(同步)或在线(异步或同步)教学时,平等是一个重要的考虑因素. 异步远程学习者通常处于劣势,并且错过了同步学生所获得的丰富上下文.  为了解决这个问题, 重要的是,通信平台能够记录所有的课程-包括白板和屏幕共享. 另外, 当学生注册一门课程时,应该在整个学期内都可以使用正在进行的聊天和共享文件.

隐私 is another important topic. Prior to shifting to 100% remote learning, 家长/教师会议是亲自或使用学校桌上电话进行的. Since the onset of the health crisis, these conferences have been initiated by the teacher, from their home phone or personal cell phone. 通过嵌入式通信平台,学区可以将教师的桌面电话扩展到他们的家中, to protect their privacy.

The last topic Emma and Don mentioned was professional development. 远程学习产生了对培训的迫切需求,以便更多地了解如何在新常态下进行教学. Teaching is typically a lone profession. While t在这里 is student interaction, 同事之间的互动通常仅限于在共同计划期间聊天和分享经验, 在午餐, 或者课后. 在家工作消除了这些互动,放大了孤独感.

在我们的讨论中,我分享了关于彩虹教室的信息,以及它的LMS平台连接器如何嵌入协作和通信工具,为教师提供对功能(视频)的完全控制, 的声音, 闲谈,聊天。, 文件和屏幕共享),他们需要成功地进行远程教学. 彩虹教室将电话功能集成到该地区的PBX*中, Microsoft Teams® or Google G-Suite to enable whiteboarding, 分组, 自动考勤, 参与评分, 闲谈,聊天。, 共享文件历史记录, selective feature enablement, and recording of shared content for each class.

For more information about 彩虹的教室, 请到我们的 彩虹的教室 页面.



Global Sales Lead, Education Vertical

格雷格Kovich leads global sales for ALE’s Education vertical.  Greg has overseen or created several 教育解决方案s including “The Fundamentals of Communications” – a vendor neutral course on digital network communications; “安全的校园” – a solution uniting emergency alerts with first responder collaboration and mass notification; “Secure Campus” – a solution that allows instructors to limit student network access to determined sites; and “Pandemic 教育的连续性” – a solution that enables classroom instruction in the event the institution is closed due to health or environmental crisis. 





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